After my haircut I waited excitedly as my mom drove at what seemed to me to be the pace of an elderly snail being dealt copious amounts of morphine, and finally arrived at la destanation de DREAAMSS, a.k.a small tagsale in driveway of 50somethings surburban home. She gave me 20 bucks and then sped off to fetch various sibling of mine. I entered excitedly and noted immediatley that this lady must have worked at ralph lauren or something because she had a buttload of 80's and 90's ralph. I looked a a few pairs of breezy flannel shorts and one rather raunchy feathered dress when I discovered the beacon of light that had been delivered to me straight from the GOOJ (God Of Orange Juice). Under a stack of old barney VHS tapes I discovered a very dandy Kate Spade bag- and for only 2 dollars! I snatched that thing faster than......
a- really fast.. thing?
and booyah I was outahh there.
The majority of the designer bags I have are from various tagsales around my little old town of Yawnroot*
a picture of two of my best finds here:
they are a little worn out but I love them all the same.
Sorry that I haven't updated my last post (with the photos of my outfit)
But come on, 2 dollars for Christ's sake!
Oh and I about the haircut; I didn't go for anything drastic, just a trim because i'm growing it out. Sorry folks, thats as crazy as its gonna get for now. Although I am probs gonna re-dye it next weekend so maybe I will do something crazy... pastel turquoise stripe? That Marc Jacobs ad from ye yonder ago has me inspired...
PS. HOUSE season finale tomorrow night!! YAYAYYYY! Who's watching it? Huh? HUh?
I sure am!
And so should you!
*Name of Town has been purposefully miswritten because of "privacy" "issues" (annoying father)
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